Friday, May 15, 2009

T0511 - The Gnomon Workshop. Spherical Panoramic Photography (DVD-iso)

Introducing panoramic photography for digital set building, photographer Greg Downing walks you through a step-by-step-process of creating high-resolution omni-directional panoramas. This highly detailed description starts with an equipment survey, revealing all relevant photography instructions and demonstrations. Using a normal film or digital camera with Realviz Stitcher, Greg provides a complete guide to image stitching, culminating in some some exciting ways to use your panoramas for 3D, visual effects, print or the web.

Содержание DVD 1:
01. Introduction / Eagle Rock
02. Equipment Overview
03. Removing Paralax from Pan and Tilt
04. How Many Photos?
05. Shooting a Panorama
06. Processing your Images Before Stitching
07. Importing Images
08. Calibration
09. Moving images
10. Stitching and Working Around Problems
11. Closing the Panorama
12. Tilted Rows and Caps

Содержание DVD 2:
01. Stencil Tool
02. Repairing Light Fall Off for Skies
03. Defining the Horizon
04. Rendering Options
05. Rendering for QuickTime
06. Additional Rendering Formats
07. Custom Photoshop Layers
08. Changing Projections
09. SPi-V
10. Removing Lens Flare
11. Linear Movies from Panoramas
12. Panorams from 3D Scenes

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