Saturday, May 23, 2009

T0524 - Eat 3D Autodesk 3DS Max 101 DVD

In this demonstration the instructor dives into the wonderful world of computer graphics by walking the viewer through the many fundamental concepts and techniques necessary to create a successful project. He starts off with an around the world tour of the 3D Studio Max interface stopping at key areas to discuss proper viewport navigation, selecting objects, moving objects around your scene and combining basic shapes to flesh out an idea. Once the foundation is in place, the instructor takes the viewer through a wide range of techniques for modeling, texturing, lighting, and animating their creations to complete a city scene. The pros and cons of each method are discussed in detail and the viewer is given the context necessary to take the core techniques and apply them successfully to whatever their end goal or respective industry may be.

This DVD has over 20 hours of training and can be considered the ultimate guide for those new to 3D Studio Max or those wanting to round out their skill set for any market.

* Project Planning and Organization
* Getting Around in 3D Studio Max: UI, Viewport Navigation, Selections, Transforms and Alignment
* In Depth Look at Polygon Modeling Techniques to Create a Variety of Objects
* Quick Modeling Examples Using Box Modeling, Booleans, Lofting, Spline Modeling, and even Cloth Simulations.
* Modeling Objects from Reference and What Makes Good Reference
* Creating Convincing Metal/Water/Glass/etc. using Standard Materials or Mental Ray Shaders
* Adding Believability Through Proper Use of Textures and Precisely Placing Them on Your Objects
* Various Lighting Techniques are Explored Including Painting with Light and Daylight Systems.
* Basic Rigging and Animating of a Falcon
* Procedural Animation Including Path Constraints, Noise Controllers, and LookAt Operators
* Introduction to Particle Systems including Max's powerful Particle Flow system.
* Brief Description of Dynamic Hair and Styling
* Scene Optimization and Organization Through Use of Proxy Objects and XRefs
* And much more…

Programs Used: Autodesk 3dsmax 2009, Photoshop
Duration: over 20 Hours
Instructor: Eric Maslowski

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