Monday, December 29, 2008

T0247 - Gnomon Workshop - Texture Painting Fundamentals Disc1 Photorealistic Texturing With Paul Campion

In this DVD, Paul Campion explains the essentials of texture painting with Adobe Photoshop®, discussing how observation and an understanding of the original object’s surface qualities are the skills necessary to create photorealistic textures. Starting with reference captured using a standard flatbed scanner, he demonstrates how to create color, bump and specular maps for a prehistoric shark tooth, explaining how each type of map affects the surface qualities of the CG model, and how these three basic maps work together to create a photorealistic surface. In addition, this DVD covers the human face, one of the most difficult areas of a human to texture. This demonstration shows some of the basic principles involved in texturing a human head, relying on the use of good reference and observation skills. Paul also demonstrates how Maya can be effect- ively used as a 3D paint package, using Perspective Camera Projection and texture baking to generate complex UV maps, which are then combined in Adobe Photoshop® to create detailed realistic head textures.

Over 4 1/2 hours of lecture.

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