Learn time-saving quadruped rigging techniques and the principles of building solution-based rigs for more efficient animating in XSI. Contains over 8 hours of project-driven training. Perfect for intermediate artists.Popular highlights include:
- Building Rigs from Reference
- Broken Hierarchy Systems
- Custom Toolbar
- Character Key Sets
- Sub-Character Sets
- Constraints
- Constructing Proxy Cages
- Painting Weights
- Reverse Lock System
- Naming Conventions
- Limb Controls
- Expressions
- Custom and Proxy Parameters
- Mirroring Techniques
- Custom Control Spline Rigs
- XSI Spines for Vertebrae
- Cleaning up Control Objects
- Working with Groups
- Tail Rig
- Enveloping Techniques
- Deform Keys
- Rotation Order
Lesson Outline:
1. | Working with models and groups | 10:21 |
2. | Creating a custom toolbar | 10:06 |
3. | Studying a diagram of a horse skeleton, building the thoracic limb | 9:06 |
4. | Repositioning chain elements / renaming objects | 13:31 |
5. | Beginning the horse's phalangeal controls | 12:27 |
6. | Adding pivot controls for the hoof | 14:29 |
7. | Primary control for the thoracic limb | 8:04 |
8. | Creating custom parameters for finger joints | 10:36 |
9. | Controlling the finger joints with custom parameters | 14:28 |
10. | Twist control for horse's elbow | 5:42 |
11. | The shoulder control | 12:55 |
12. | Mirroring rig elements | 10:06 |
13. | Cleaning up mirrored objects | 8:26 |
14. | Finishing both thoracic limbs | 11:48 |
15. | Building the bones for the pelvic limb | 7:52 |
16. | Renaming chain elements for the pelvic limb | 5:59 |
17. | Creating toe controls | 7:33 |
18. | Pivot controls for the toe | 8:43 |
19. | Main control for the pelvic limb | 7:04 |
20. | Expressions for toe controls | 7:20 |
21. | Twist control for the knee | 3:16 |
22. | Finalizing the left pelvic limb / mirroring controls | 4:26 |
23. | Completing the right pelvic limb | 10:05 |
24. | Starting on the vertebrae | 5:16 |
25. | Using XSI spines for the vertebrae | 11:50 |
26. | Connecting vertebrae to hip and chest objects | 6:14 |
27. | Controls for the vertebrae / connecting limbs | 6:25 |
28. | Finishing the controls for the spine | 10:18 |
29. | Constructing the head, cervix and jaw bones | 3:57 |
30. | Renaming chain elements / primary connections of the head and neck | 6:01 |
31. | Creating the head and neck twist controls | 7:46 |
32. | Custom parameters for the jaw | 4:49 |
33. | Working on the ears | 10:35 |
34. | Proxy parameters for the ears | 11:23 |
35. | Neck control / adding broken hierarchy control to the rig | 6:56 |
36. | Finishing the broken hierarchy control | 7:32 |
37. | Starting on the tail / creating custom control splines | 6:25 |
38. | Using Up Vectors to prevent flipping in tail | 11:55 |
39. | Building controls for the tail | 9:02 |
40. | Completing the tail | 10:15 |
41. | Global rig control with scaling capabilities | 11:43 |
42. | Cleaning up the rig | 12:21 |
43. | Methods for creating a proxy cage | 13:16 |
44. | Creating buttons to switch between a real and proxy horse | 6:42 |
45. | Discussing rotation order | 5:56 |
46. | Utilizing character key sets | 15:19 |
47. | Enveloping the horse / adding envelope deformers | 6:52 |
48. | Blocking envelope weights | 8:11 |
49. | Working on the left pelvic limb | 7:10 |
50. | Blending envelope weights | 11:33 |
51. | Smoothing the thighs weights | 9:24 |
52. | Techniques for painting weights on difficult areas | 10:41 |
53. | Mirroring weights | 8:30 |
54. | Bonus: Adding muscle bulges with deform keys | 10:52 |
Total Run Time: | 8:09:32 |
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